Museu d’Art Contemporani d’Eivissa (MACE), Ibiza presents After the After, an exhibition by Douglas Gordon and Tobias Rehberger

after the afterMACE are showing new works that merge and interplay with each other to create a direct and unique visual dialogue and collaboration between the two artists. This singular exhibition marks the first time Gordon and Rehberger have approached their practice in this manner. As well as forming an aesthetic conversation, the works can also be considered a direct comment upon each other’s practice, creating a documentation of their personal and artistic relationship.

The exhibition title, After the After, considers Ibiza’s status as an iconic place of hedonism, parties and decadence while examining the ‘after-point’ that occurs when this ultimately comes to an end, a time of emptiness and paranoia when one should not be left alone. The works in the exhibition range in media including film, painting, and sculpture and are situated both within the confines of the museum and displayed outside in the surrounding city environment.

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Museum collections make connections

Cada 18 de maig se celebra el Dia Internacional dels Museus, amb aquesta excusa és sempre positiu fer una crida d’atenció a la ciutadania, en aquest cas oferint-li la possibilitat de visitar una exposició. Una exposició realitzada a partir de les nostres pròpies col·leccions i de les seves possibilitats d’exposició.

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