Mariano Yera Collection

Until November 2017 | Museu d’Art Contemporani d’Eivissa
Eleven works from Yera’s private collection
The Yera Collection was awarded the Arco Prize for private collections in 2013 and is a member of the Association of private contemporary art collections 9915.

The Yera Collection – which was founded by Mariano Yera in 1999 and is run by his daughter Natalia – is focused on contemporary Spanish painting in the second half of the 20th century. The Collection covers more than half a century of Spanish art history through some one hundred and fifty works from sixty artists.

The Collection is an example of the happy encounter between the world of business and that of art, a vital collaboration which ensures the survival of the creative process and contributes to the promotion of the awareness and the enjoyment of the new artistic idioms.
The collection includes representative works by Tàpies and Ponç, pioneers of the post-war visual arts renewal – the Grupo El Paso, Equipo 57, Equiupo Crónica and Equipo Realidad. Also involved are artists of the stature of Arroyo, Gordillo, Alcolea, Pérez Villalta, Barceló, Sicilia and Campano together with more contemporary artists such as Ángela de la Cruz.
Fulfilling the role of sponsorship and promotion of the artists who make up the family, the Collection has loaned selections of its works to more than five hundred exhibitions throughout the world. Likewise, a volume has been published which covers the entire collection along with extensive biographies. Translated into English, the catalogue includes texts from eminent researchers and brief biographies of the artists, a vital publication which delves into the knowledge of the artists and their era.

Link to:
· Text de sala en pdf
· Informació sobre la colecció Yera